
Cynon Valley 2021

‘Worship’ responds to a question which I have asked myself, and others. How do we worship theses days? what is a modern contemporary take on worship?

People say “I worship the ground you walk on”. So is it the ground or person which is worshiped?

So putting aside formal and traditional worshiping, I explored this concept.

I spent time interviewing and being with the local community residents from Aberdare and found a few themes which kept occurring throughout the responses I received.

 These were:

  •  Nature & the environment, a respect & love for the hills, valleys  and countryside that surrounded the community

  • Their family, friends & pets

  • And finally other forms of worship, religious , and more community based with the varied styles of ceremonies, religious practices both ancient, traditional, modern and contemporary.

This is a series of work made out of waste materials, depicting a person emerging/resting upon the surface of the earth, showing our symbiotic relationship between nature and ourselves how the earth supports us

The children show our naiveness in learning to protect and look after the earth, how we are still learning  to worship with balance and respect what we love, they look made of concrete depicting are man made desires which can be at odds with nature

The birds depict freedom, hopes we have for peace, harmony and balance, with the colours represent diversity in heritage , culture and belief


Landscape of the Mind


It's Not Just Black & White